Sunday, January 19, 2014

Applications, Application, Applications!

FFA Scholarship Applications must be complete by 5 pm February 1st!  All senior members need to apply!  There are tons of scholarships available, and the Ford Scholarship is given LOCALLY (thanks to Jim True!).  Log in at with your AgCN account to apply!

Please download, print, complete, and sign your application for the Greenhand and Chapter degrees.  These applications are due in Mrs. Schneider's office inbox by February 28th.

The Hoosier (State) Degree application can be accessed on the Indiana FFA web page.  THESE APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST!

The proficiency applications for Entrepreneurship and Placement SAE's can be accessed on the Indiana FFA web page.  These are due at the end of January.

If you need help with any of these applications, please arrange a time to come in before or after school!

More scholarships of interest....

Winfield Scholarship - Due February 1, 2014
Harvest Land Co-op Scholarship - due March 1, 2014
Whitewater Valley REMC Scholarship - due March 10, 2014
Agriculture Future of America Scholarship

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